Thursday, December 25, 2008

25 December 2008

Elder Johnny Berghout called today and it was SO fun to talk to him. He called out to Grandma's house where most of the Family, Aunts, Uncles, cousins, and Mom & Dad and the brothers were able to talk to him. He sounded really good. He said, he was calling from the Bishops office which has air conditioning. We were able to talk to him for about an hour. He kept commenting on how it seems more like the 4th of July than Christmas because it is 95 degrees there today, but it gets up to 104. Also Christmas Eve, everyone was shooting off fireworks, there are no regulations so anyone can shoot off any kind they want. He and his companion went to the district leaders apartment for Christmas Eve and they put their matresses on the roof and watched the celebrations until 1:30 am.

He told us how the church buildings in Argentina don't have Basketball gyms but instead they have Soccer courts. (Mark Mangum would love it) He says it is like playing indoor soccer except there are no walls and it is a cement floor so it is a very fast moving game.

He is doing well with the language and even got to go on splits with an Elder from Peru to another area. John's area is really hard. There is not a lot of enthusiasm from the members for sharing the gospel and investigators are hard to find. Anyway, he was excited about this split because he was forced to speak Spanish (the elder didn't speak any English) and this other area was totally different. People were excited to talk to the Elders and excited about the gospel. John said that He and Elder Frazier (from Oregon) go tracting in the mornings and hope to have an appointment set up by noon. If they don't, it is siesta time and no one wants to be bothered then.

He talked about some of the foods--it is taking some getting used to. He is maintaining his weight. Johhny said that they have to have their water brought in and only drink bottled water.
Some of the members boil the local water and store it in two quart jars.

John said the area he is in is an older area with dirt roads everywhere and it looks like a dessert.
His apartment is small and the Elders that were there just before he arrived had sprayed for Roaches and He and Elder Frazier hadn't seen any until a few days ago. There are now "two" roaches and they only come out when Elder Frazier is showering. HA HA

He hasn't received any packages yet but hopefully soon! He said you really have to be careful what you list on the package contents. They won't bother it if it is food items! John said that sometimes it takes up to three weeks to get packages. (He got his Christmas Package before he left the MTC)

Oh Yeah, He said that he can receive pictures on his email. He would love to see what everyone is up to. He is getting lots of new cousins!!! He said to tell everyone hello (Hola!!!) and that he loves his mission! FELIZ NAVIDAD... Merry Christmas!


Mark said...
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Mark said...

Man, I should have gone to Argentina . . . It's exciting to hear about Johnathon's experiences, thanks for keeping all of us posted Stephanie.