Tuesday, May 26, 2009

25 May 2009

Hey Dad and Mom

Wow crazy Matt is all done. Yeah I remember how crazy it was finally getting done.(with High School) Does Matt know where he is going to work or is he just going to look around? Oh yeah, I remember the bull (mechanical bull at Grad party)... but I don't remember hurting anything, maybe he just needs to learn how to ride a bull!!! ha ha JK.

Sweet! That will be fun if you guys can get up to Sourdough. All the streets here are like mud lately just like up there. Our shoes are always covered as soon as we walk outside. It hasn't rained too much this week, it's been pretty nice but the ground still hasn't dried out.

Haha, Yeah I remember the last couple days of school just sitting around ready to be done waiting for the empty days to go by.

It's good to hear that the arm is getting better and hope that it will continue, hopefully a little faster. Hopefully they can get the right brace in quick. Too bad I'm not already back home and done with school then I could have done the X-ray Ha ha!!!

Wow I miss seeing a yard with grass. No one here has anything---just dirt. Everything is dirt and some people cement or tile. Oh yeah, speaking of tile...Did you guys ever get the grout done on the stairs?

About the package, I don't know of any other way to send it. It should be okay. But I only have 4 more weeks in this transfer because the Presidents are changing so I don't know if I'll be staying here or if I am going to be moving. So probably send it pretty soon. I don't really need anything too much ---just the thumb drives so I can send you guys some pictures. I still have 2 face wash bottles so I'm doing alright. I'll be waiting to see pictures---I LOVE PICTURES!!!

Anyways everything is going great with my new companion Elder Perez. He is from Chile, doesn't speak any English so it's Spanish the whole time. The first two days this week, my head was hurting so bad only speaking Spanish but now its going great and I'm really getting better. Oh yeah, I'm really getting lost in the mission, I'm so stoked to be here and just want to find people, I don't know what changed so much but I just like have been so much more focused.

Your Elder Johnny Berghout

1 comment:

Mark said...

Did I miss a post somewhere? Johnathon said he wanted to do the X-RAY. Is he planning on going into medicine? Also, I'm curious how you type now Stephanie.