Monday, November 24, 2008

19 November 2008

Dear Mom,

Wow...crazy work week!!!! I miss coming out to see you at night at work.
Sounds like they (the brothers) had a lot of fun fishing and sounds like they're getting pretty good!!! Sweet, I need some pictures of the family and stuff. Speaking of pictures did Marianne get the ones done with the family, friends and Carlie and I from my farewell talk day? If she did, I'd like some!!!

That's awesome Matt did so well with the Mr. Ogden!!! I do miss helping set that up!!!
I miss working with Christensen, he was an awesome guy to work with!!!! Wow thats good to hear, so far only Stephan and Carlie out of my friends write me back but that's ok cause I don't really have a lot of time. Wow I miss everyone!!!

Could you please send me my light blue Holister shirt and my Orange Nike shirt because my two black T shirts that I brought for gym stuff shrank and are too small...Ha ha ha!

I'm so excited to get to Argentina!!!! I'm supposed to get my flight plans this Friday!!!

Thanks for everything
Elder Johnny Berghout

PS Here is my email. I can ONLY use it once a week for a half-hour so mail works better in the MTC. Love all you guys I'll write back when I have time.

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